We finally decided it was time to bite the bullet and get Mason a new "big boy" bed. We had put it off thinking that by the end of this year we just might be in our new house out on our land with a bigger bedroom for Mason that was more conducive to a full size bed, but given the current state of the economy, we've decided to hold off on trying to sell and build a house for now. Mason was getting pretty cramped on his hard as a rock foam infant mattress even when it was converted to a toddler bed, so we decided to try and take advantage of the New Year's sales and make the switch. After some significant head-scratching to figure out just how to put a full size bed in a small room with a huge window on one wall, a closet door taking up most of another wall and an already large dresser and hutch combo taking up a significant amount of space, not to mention a door that opens inward (I know, that's what doors are supposed to do, but in this situation, I find it very inconvenient, however both my husband and father-in-law assured me that switching the door around so it would open the other way was easier said than done.), we finally figured it out, much to Mason's delight.
Oh yes, there was much jumping to be done that first evening... and really, I couldn't blame him one bit.
Papa Jerry was even invited to jump on the new bed. Papa Jerry wisely decided to just test out the new bed by playing cars on it with Mason instead...
And this is what the worn out little boy looked like at the end of the night after all the jumping and pillow fighting. Thanks to flash photography, we were able to capture him sleeping, although notice he's awfully close to the end of the bed for his mommy's taste.
Since this picture was snapped, Mason has taken one tumble off the end (of course he picked the day Papa Jerry and Daddy were out of town hunting at the ranch!). He was definitely more scared than hurt, but I decided a body pillow across the end at night would let all of us sleep a little easier. So far, it's worked like a charm...
1 comment:
What a big boy. Isn't it ard giving up that last little bit of "baby". I guess it's time to have another:)!!! When you are ready of course:)!
Take care and keep the new posts coming!!!
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